

Humans have a deep-seated drive to experiment with consciousness, to play with our own finely tuned minds. The dream is the perfect vehicle for this kind of experimentation. Join our community and cultivate the wild and visionary experience of the dream!



Practice Circle with Jennifer Dumpert and Erik Davis

Sunday, March 8 2:00 – 2:00 pm

2820 7th st. Berkeley, CA

This interactive, collaborative circle addresses practice as the foundation of a spiritual life. We’ll reflect on creating, selecting, and maintaining practices and self-identifying as a practitioner.

Lily Dale Annual Symposium: The Visionar Power of Liminal Dreaming

Friday, July 25th

Lily Dale, NY

This talk addresses ways liminal dreaming can be used for divination, creativity, problem solving, dream incubation, and healing. This four-day symposium occurs in the historic hamlet of Lily Dale, a center of the spiritualist movement.

The Oneironauticum

The Oneironauticum is an international dream group that works with oneirogens—any substance, practice, or experience that promotes or enhances dream states. Founded in 2008, the Oneironauticum gathers on a given night to work with the same oneirogen. At least one group gathers together to sleep in the same space, while dreamers from locations around the world join remotely, all using the same oneirogen. Although they may be separated by hundreds or thousands of miles, on the night of Oneironauticum, dreamers are united community, bound by the common experience of the dream.

Urban Dreamscape: SF

Urban Dreamscape: SF is a practice of weaving dreams into architecture, turning the landscape into a dream journal. Using active imagination and visualization, I overlay the buildings in my urban neighborhood with my dreams. Urban Dreamscape is a meditation on mapping, a psychogeographical research that breaks down divisions between internal and external spaces. It is a means of creating sacred space in the city. Through the practice, I explore the inner psychic spaces of my dream world, superimposing this intimate realm on top of the city where I live.

Liminal Dreaming

Liminal Dreaming is a way of working with hypnagogic and hypnopompic dream states. Channel the visions you have when you slip into sleep (hypnagogia), the thoughts that drift across the border into dream and back again while you slowly wake (hypnopompia), and the visionary weirdness of delicious naps and delirious fatigue. In these states, the meandering mind rehashes and remixes thought and experience, surfing the edge realm between conscious and unconscious. Like lucid dreaming (but considerably easier to learn), liminal dreaming offers a fascinating mode of playing with consciousness.


Liminal Dreaming

Exploring Consciousness at the Edge of Sleep

A conciousness hacker and sought-after speaker on dreams and dream technology explains how to use liminal dreaming, the dreams that come between sleep and waking, for self-actualization and consciousness expansion.

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At the edges of consciousness, between waking and sleeping, there’s a swirling, free associative state of mind that is the domain of liminal dreams. As we sink into slumber, we pass through hypnagogia, the first of the two liminal dream states. In this transitional zone, memories, perceptions, and imaginings arise in a fast moving, hallucinatory, semi-conscious remix. On the other end of the night, as we wake, we experience hypnopompia, the hazy, pleasant, drift that is the other liminal dream state. Readers of Liminal Dreaming will learn step-by-step how to create a dream practice, integrating the deeply unusual half-waking dream states of hypnagogia and hypnopompia into their lives in personally meaningful ways. Working with liminal dreams can improve sleep, mitigate anxiety and depression, help to heal trauma, and aid creativity and problem-solving. Liminal dreaming practice is also far easier to learn than lucid dreaming practice, making it possible for the reader to begin working with these dreams this very night.



Jennifer Dumpert

Jennifer is a San Francisco-based writer and lecturer, and the founder of the Oneironauticum, an international organization that explores the phenomenological experience of dreams as a means of experimenting with mind. She also teaches the practice of Liminal Dreaming—surfing the edges of consciousness using hypnagogic and hypnopompic dream states.

Speaking Engagements

Contact Jennifer about speaking and writing engagements